Enlightening Blogs

פילטר של הטאג

Vagina trauma and Menstruation shock

Vagina trauma We hope to help break the stigma surrounding women’s bodies, sexuality and end the shame, both personal and societal. We hold a lot of ancestral trauma down there you may call it vagina...

Vajayjay myths

Do Kegels improve sexual satisfaction?
From our personal experience, we can say a definite yes. If we break it down to the anatomy physiological level, when you strengthen any sort of muscle in your body, you make it shorter, stronger and tighter.

Understanding Our Vagina and Health Tips

Understanding Our Vagina and Health Tips for a Healthy Happier Easier Period Our lovely smells.Your honeypot has its own unique smell and it’s not supposed to smell of roses, we need to get comfortable with...

Menstrual Cramps and Chinese Medicine

According to Chinese medicine, there is a direct link between liver activity and the female reproductive system. Sour foods contribute to unblocking while moving the stagnated energy in our liver. In order to respect our lovely livers and help it function properly, it is recommended...

Period Madness

Period madness - let’s better your mood When that time of the month arrives, we all know how emotional we can get, that’s totally ok! You just got a boost of hormones into your system,...

Period Hacks

Period hacks Reducing menstrual pain by ILoveMyHoneyPot We are all acquainted with menstrual cramps far too well - some lucky gals may have mild symptoms but others endure severe symptoms and excruciating pain. This is...

Love odors from down bellow

Love odours If you think somebody smells bad it’s probably because their pheromones aren’t in alignment and you’re just not that sexually attracted to that other person via smell. On the other hand, when you...

Glory tunnel to the world of sustainability

In a world where Co2 emissions are constantly rising, the global market is developing a culture of consumption - a social and economic system that encourages unnecessary consumption (think about how many times you’ve purchased something on sale only to get home and realize you don’t actually need it). 

The Hysteria Side Of Me

The Hysteria side of me Period madness is a real thing, those days when nothing makes sense or it feels as if everyone is out to get you alongside devastating period cramps. Sometimes it feels...